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Our story is the amalgamation of a few strands. I have heard countless anecdotes about how Guava Leaf Tea was used as a remedy for a variety of ailments. Many Grandparents, Great Aunts and Uncles and even parents possessed the wisdom that guided them to rely on the healing and restorative properties of this natural product; not the fruit which is commonly enjoyed, but the leaves.


Firstly, after exploring these leaves and finding great pleasure in the yumminess they offer, I rejoice in the pleasure of making this more accessible and appetizing.

The second strand is about that part of me that always reminisces over the memories of my Grandmothers. I fondly recall how - each in their separate lives – they religiously indulged in a pot of tea. This was accompanied by hearty dialogue if enjoyed in the company of others, and if not, was cherished alone in still silence. Both grandmothers were deep, pondering souls, so I remember how the invitation, “Come through, let’s sit and the children will make us tea,” was code for, “I would love to connect and engage with you over a cup of tea.”


This has stuck with me, and as of late, I find myself sitting alone at least twice a day, feet firmly on the ground, enjoying a cup of tea. The image and memory of these great women is always with me while I do so. I use this time to connect with myself, find alignment within myself, and steer myself forward. It is settling to be this way and so I call the brand ‘Grounded’, offering grounding teas.


There is magic in being grounded because you are connected to and can draw from the earth. This tea-drinking ritual is something I do routinely every morning and possibly every afternoon, just as I start to feel drained and less inclined to continue working. I also anticipate that a collective experience of tea drinking, hearty dialogue and connected engagement is what the world needs right now.

This herbal tea brand is a commitment to contribute to us never losing out on the wisdom of our forefathers. It is a desire to encourage connection and engagement amongst others, and most importantly, with ourselves.

I hope that the love and thoughtfulness that has gone into producing this tea is experienced in every sip. May the invitation to feel grounded be accepted in the spirit with which it is offered.  


Our Story

Meet Phetsile

What do I do and What am I about?

As an Integral coach, I am fascinated by the journeys we embark on in our personal and professional lives. I am inspired by what organisation can achieve when they invest in their people. 


In my work, I am passionate about supporting those that are :

  • Seeking as a pathway to essence, those who are 

  • Relentlessly pursuing purpose and meaning

  • And finding joy in the process

  • Building the capacity to honour who others are meant to be




  • I position seeking as a pathway to the essence and create space and platforms that allow for it. 

  • I ask others to allow themselves to find joy in the search for meaning. 

  • I build others' capacity to live and honour who they are meant to be.

  • I partner with those who agree to a relentless pursuit of meaning and purpose in their lives. 

  • I unlock the potential power that people can access when they are grounded


Why grounded?

Grounding practices are a route or avenue to unlock personal power. Grounded teas being the specific name I will use for the range of guava leaf teas I have developed. 

What is my brand an expression of?

  • How my life has unfolded and who I have become 

  • Through this brand ...I celebrate the journey of me becoming the expression of my true essence and commit to enabling others to live into their true essence.


What do I value? 

  • Authenticity – true essence is yours; it belongs only to the one who cradles it from birth. 

  • Courage – to stand alone, grounded by conviction believing that seeking will realise truth and essence. 

  • Contentment and beauty that comes from the unravelling of the soul.

  • Relentlessness – unceasing, continuous, persistent pursuit of something with intensity. Relentless is the act of not giving up and trying harder despite failure or the possibility of failure in pursuing a course of action. 


Products & services linked to this brand 

  • Guava leaf Teas – the story of the forgotten guava leaves ​

  • Integral coaching, coach training, mentoring, designing programmes that are linked to personal and professional development, reflective writing 

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