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Privacy & Safety


We take our responsibility to protect your privacy very seriously. That’s why we promise to never release your personal information to any third-party company for their mailing or marketing purposes when you make a purchase on our website, or sign-up for Grounded Teas marketing.


When you shop on our website, we collect information relevant to your purchase. This allows us to send your order, contact you in relation to your order (for example if your order is lost, an item is out of stock, payment hasn’t cleared, or just to let you know that we’ve saved your basket for you etc.) and to pass your payment information to relevant partners. All of this information is stored securely and we comply with all applicable data protection and consumer legislation.


We will use the information we collect to help us build better content and digital experiences for users. We also use this information to keep our mailing list up to date. 


We only use affirmative opt-in options. You will have to explicitly agree to receive marketing, we will never use confusing language. Your preferences are a “no” to all marketing by default, so we’ll only add you to our marketing list if you explicitly tell us that you’d like to be on it either via tick box, using our mailing list sign-up form or by getting in touch.


You may contact us at any time to request a copy of all data and information we hold on you as a customer. You may also contact us to amend or update your details via email @


We can’t remove your orders, items purchased and values as we require these for historical accounting.  


When you access our website we will use cookies. Some are essential for the operation of the website, for example cookies that help our checkout function so you can complete your order in the most user-friendly way. Other cookies are non-essential and we'll ask for your permission before using these. You can find a full list of the cookies we use below, detail of what they are used for and whether they are essential or non-essential. 


  • Credit / Debit Cards

  • EFT 

  • YOCO payment Link

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